Clients, ages 3-11, will receive one on one child-centered play therapy in the playroom while the counselor offers therapeutic powers of play to help the client resolve social/emotional difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development. The counselor will consult with you about the options available and assist in determining the best course of action during the initial parent intake meeting. Play can build trust and mastery, encourage creative thinking and problem solving, elevate self-esteem, and reduce anxieties. Issues that can be addressed in play therapy include anxiety, anger, social skills, behavioral issues, family conflicts, divorce, trauma, grief, and abuse.

50 minute session

Group play therapy can help children with a range of issues such as anger, shyness, loneliness, and low self-esteem. Groups of 2-5 are designed to target a specific problem such as social anxiety or to improve social skills. You can register your own small group, or I can recommend additional clients who might work well together.

Sibling therapy is also available to help teach conflict resolution skills and restore the family relationship. 

50 minute session

Workshops are great for larger groups. Sessions are tailored to your group’s specific needs, including issues like stress management, building healthy relationships, refusal skills, conflict resolution, divorce, grief support, and more. Groups will meet in the lobby conference room for in-depth lessons and discussions. Workshops offer a powerful opportunity to connect with a larger group, improve friendships and secure a sense of belonging. Register your group or follow me on social media to learn about scheduled workshops that might meet your child’s needs.

I am also available to provide off-site workshops for larger groups.

60-90 minute session

Periodically, appointments may be requested between the counselor and caregivers to discuss the child's goals and progress in therapy. This provides parents with the opportunity to update me on any new, relevant situations that may arise at home or school. Counseling is confidential. Information shared during counseling will not be disclosed to anyone unless the client is in imminent danger or a threat to others.

30-40 minute session